18 Nov 2009

Defending Assailable Elderly Residents

I felt that the Queen's speech today fell far short of what I had expected from a "National Care Service" that Labour have been deliberating for some time. it is terrible that they are preparing to provide free care services for the elderly in their own homes yet those who are residing within sheltered accommodation will not be entitled to any additional support, let alone resident wardens. I genuinely can't decide which proposal is worse or more unfair, this, or the Conservative proposal that the elderly residents pay £6,000 they will be entitled sheltered accommodation if they require it in their retirement. I can't believe that we live in one of the leading Western nations and then yet we cannot provide a reasonable standard of care for those who have served our society.

People who follow me regularly on Facebook (Kelly-Marie Blundell) or Ashford Liberal Democrats will be aware of my dedication to the campaign Sheltered Housing UK Association to retain or reinstate resident wardens in sheltered accommodation across the country.

As a synopsis, Barnet Council are being taken to the High Court for removing resident wardens and the Association is waiting on a Judicial Review to see if the action will be deemed illegal, which will effectively forced Borough and County Councils to return to resident wardens across the country. A petition is being submitted to the Prime Minister seven of December 2009 following a March from Trafalgar Square to Downing Street.

A society is judged by the way we treat the most vulnerable members of that society, the way that we have treated those living in sheltered housing, by removing their wardens, is nothing short of atrocious

Anyone who would like to provide support, information or stories, please feel free to contact me.

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