25 May 2011

What larks, just like the proletariat

The Evening Standard is keen to promote the down-to-earth projections of Obama and Cameron at a BBQ.

For those with short memories, while Obama generally gets away with the 'common man' persona, Cameron's own forray into this area has met with disastrous results, from hug-a-hoodie to clearing up flytipping, he is a little bit too condescending and rich to get away with it, in my own, admittedly snide opinion.

It seems that BBQ was as close to a grilling as the great Obama would get, and this is a deliberate play on his own joke.

The paper notes Cameron's failure to mention Palestine or Israel, and most quotes are from Libya lip service with the fast-becoming-disposable phrases such as 'yearning for freedom' and 'basic human rights'. It has become to glib and polished as the US only focus on Liberty when it suits them, preferring to remain quietly in the background on other, similar countries with no oil or obscure rutting gestures towards them.

The Evening Standard doesn't let the opportunity miss to put the boot in either, stating at the end;

'...they were joined by Nick Clegg who told Obama "you've brought the sun"'.

Afterall, us Lib Dems might moan about the paper's failure to represent their presence, which is done in such a derogatory manner.

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